Friday, May 30, 2008

Eulogies from Siew Chin(4th Daughter)

Throughout the period of my mom's fighting with her stomach cancer, God has shown His amazing grace and gracious love to all the family members. My mom had displayed her usual strong spirit during this period too. On behalf of my family members, we would like to thank you for all of you for your prayer and concern and support. We would like to thank people like Dr. Loh Ee Chin, who specializes in palliative care, for her help, counselling and advice that had helped to reduce much of my mom’s sufferings, and Lee Ling, Ng Swee Aun, Pastor Tan, and many others who have helped in blood donation, prayer and others. We would like to express our deepest appreciation.

Mom was diagnosed of stomach cancer on 3rd April, 2008. On 18th April around 2 am, while Seng Kok, my husband was massaging for her, she told him about her first vision of seeing a beautiful garden. The following day, after coming back from blood transfusion, while she was walking in the living hall, again she saw flowers all around as if she was walking in a beautiful garden. She knew that time her time was near and she would be with the Lord soon. Soon later after that, her health deteriorated very fast.

On the 29th May evening, a few church ladies came and led her in prayer. Despite her little energy left, she still managed to say this prayer twice: "Lord Jesus, please come now to be with me, give me the blessings, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen." Later around 6 pm in the evening, she called out for Seng Kok to stay around her and not to leave her and tried to call others family members to come. Richard, my brother-in-law came shortly. With two son-in-laws accompanying her by the bedsides and after maid cleaned for her, she requested me to cook some mee suah for her. After taking few spoonfuls, she requested the two sons-in-law to rinse and clean her mouth. Then she took her last breath and went to the Lord.

We are glad that she’s with the Lord now. We thank the Lord for our mother. From a humble, poor and war-time background, and by God’s grace, she had not only raised up all the children, well blessed by the Lord, she had also contributed much in the growing up of all the grandchildren. Again we thank you for all your support and prayers. Thank you.

(this post is subject to the consent of the writer if editing is required)

As We Look Back

A poem specially dedicated to 'Popo' (Grandma), ‘Beloved Mom’ or ‘Mama Chong” (as she is fondly known among her church members…… )

As We Look Back

As we look back over time
We find ourselves wondering….
Did we remember to thank you enough
For all you have done for us?
For teaching us by your example,
The value of hard work and good judgement.
We wonder if we ever thanked you
For the sacrifices you had made
To let us have the very best?
And for the simple things and times we shared?
If we have forgotten or were too busy to show our
Gratitude enough for all the things you did
We’re thanking you now….

Mom or Popo, it broke our hearts to see you go,
But you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
In that moment the Lord called you home.

We never did understand
The pain, the hurt, the grief
Why?...we used to say
God knew how much we love you,
But still he took you away.
We will miss you as much as today
But now we understand
God makes us – and it’s up to him
When He will take our hand.

Eulogy from Ukraine

"Popo, Im glad that u r with the Lord now. I am fine but i miss u a lot. I will always cherish the time we spend together. Thanks for your love for me always. I will never forget the hopes and dreams u had for me ..You will always be loved and cherished by all of us ...
- Jackie Tan, Granddaughter of Mdm Kong (currently doing her medical studies in Ukraine.)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Life Full of Blessings

Mdm Kong Ah Kui went home to be with the Lord on 29th May 2008 at 1920 hours. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer(a tumour in the stomach) approximately 2 months prior to that. According to the doctors, medical surgery/chemotherapy was not a viable option considering the risk factors involved.

She leaves behind her Husband, 1 Son, 4 Daughters, 4 Son-In-Laws, 1-Daughter-In-Law and 11 grandchildren and 1 granddaughter-in-law.